About Myth, Mystery, and History

The primary focus of MM&H is ancient Mediterranean history, namely those people, places, and events that intersect with mythology and various historical mysteries. Areas of expertise where you can expect lots of coverage include:

  • The Trojan War

  • The Bronze Age Collapse

  • The Sea Peoples

  • The Etruscans

  • The myths of early Rome and other Italic people

  • The Minoans and Mycenaeans

  • Homer and ancient epic poetry

Subject matter is not limited to these areas but they will be featured heavily as those are my areas of expertise. MM&H is not simply be me spilling my ideas at you but rather a lesson in historiography that asks the following questions about everything discussed:

  1. What do we know?

  2. How do we know it?

  3. Why is it important?

History isn’t just a series of names, dates, and stories. It’s a set of skills that must be learned. These include research, evaluating evidence, and understanding an overall sense of time. Everything published will adhere to those principals.

MM&H features my own writing, podcasts, videos, and interviews with experts in various fields. I also plan to do an intermittent series called “Cut the Crap” that challenges the memeification of history by dissecting the assertions made in popular internet graphics and videos.

New content will be coming soon. Please subscribe and share in the meantime!

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Research and investigation into the relationship between ancient history and mythology.